Body Dressing “Shop Window Dummies?”

This photo depicts 1920’s elite

This photo depicts the lower class of the 1920’s in comparison to the elite

This photo represents the professional attire in which we are governed to assert for during professional activities

This photo is a symbol of the ways in which women are subject to wearing a certain attire whether we like it or not

In this chapter Paul Sweetman discusses that  Fashion a more symbolic act that can also be referred to as a perceptual exercise. It can represent an individuals social status or class. For example in the early 19th century individuals of the social elite wore more lavish gowns than the lower class. As the lower class or less affluent individuals began to dress as the elites, the wealthy started to assimilate a different style to differentiate themselves from the poor. Fashion is also a symbol of the “wider socio-cultural trends” which identifies the trends to come in the future. With the rise of street style after the 1950’s or 1960’s, though the fashionable elite have an influence of the high street style, fashion began to be recognized as a function which allows adjustments for emergent trends developing a more unorganized “moving” present. As said by Pauline Weston Thomas in the article The 60’s miniskirt , which outlines or emergent trends I the 50’s and 60’s, “for the first time the young became the leaders of fashion”. Furthermore, fashion is a way of communicating to ourselves and others our freedom of expression or choice of style coinciding with our personality rather than a “constructed self”. Further in the chapter it is acknowledged that though we are free in our style dress, we still are subject to uniforms as a means of professionalism or formal approvals without a matter of choice. For example suits are required in a professional work field at all times because we are socially governed to do so. It also identified in this chapter that the way we dress, whether we like it or not, affects the way we are perceived and the way we feel. For example a woman in high hills and a gown will be perceived to be elegant and graceful though she may feel beautiful she still feels discomfort from the gown and hills. Fashion and style is continually changing in reflection circumstance such as day of week as well as time of day. Style and appropriate attire is also vey much so age-related. At certain ages we are subject to certain attire without choice. For example young women must where bras as a mean of securing our breast. This chapter was overall very insightful to the advancement of fashion over time.

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